Pateley Bridge and Guisecliff 25th October 2016 - Trip Report

25 October, 2016
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Fungus and Mosses Foray.

Leaders: Nick Gaunt ( mosses and liverworts )  and Andy Woodall  ( fungi )

We assembled in Nidd Walk Car Park and headed off beside the River Nidd towards Glasshouses. The walls
along the track had a good selection of mosses and liverworts while several species of fungi were showing in the
bordering fields and woodland. After lunch by Glasshouses Dam we ascended through Guisecliff Wood, a damp
hillside habitat dominated by birch, to reach Guisecliff Tarn. This small lake was surrounded by trees in full autumn  colours, a magnificent sight. As anticipated, the woods had a profusion of fungi, mosses and liverworts.

Nick Gaunt




Click HERE for the full report and list of species.

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