Evening walk in Stainburn Forest - Trip Report

6 June, 2023
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24 members attended the evening meeting to see Nightjars and Woodcocks. It was an overcast and cool evening. Most birds had already gone to roost but as we walked into the forest we did see up to three Tree Pipits, one of which was carrying food back to its nest. Another was perched at the top of a dead tree trunk. A Song Thrush and the occasional Woodpigeon flew over and a single Black-headed Gull. When we reached the favourable area for the Nightjars we heard one churring near the path just as it started to get dark. Another two were heard churring further away. Eventually we had two fly low overhead and then again with a third bird flying along the track and over our heads before the birds went quiet and it got too dark. During the evening we had several roding Woodcocks with their strange call alerting us to their presence. We made the return walk to the cars at 10.30.

 Thank you to all who attended.

Mike Smithson

Total species = 7

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