Members’ meeting at Farnham Gravel Pits - Trip Report

2 July, 2022
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There were 27 of us at Farnham Gravel Pits on Saturday morning, for many of whom it was their first visit. Society members have special dispensation to visit the site, which we manage to support and enhance the local flora and fauna. After an initial heavy shower we met the warden, June Atkinson, and then ventured out to circumnavigate the South lake.

Flowers of interest included an abundance of twayblade in full flower, Yellow-wort, Common Centaury and fruiting Wild Strawberry. Insect life clearly thrives on the rich flora with several species of butterfly, damselflies and hoverflies. Alder Leaf Beetle were busy stripping leaves of Alder, leaving mere skeletons.

A pair of Mute Swan and their five cignet drew attention, as did Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe and Common Tern. Sand Martins, Black-headed Gulls and Greylag Geese were the most abundant birds on the lake. Chiffchaff were calling from the surrounding trees.

By the end of the morning the clouds had dispersed and a final few visitors enjoyed their lunch by the hide.
It was a most successful morning clearly enjoyed by all and was a testament to the hard work of June and her Management Team and to Muff and Jack Upsall, who made sure the morning went smoothly.

I encourage more members to take advantage of this great natural resource!

Nick Gaunt

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