Stainburn Forest Nightjar walk - Trip Report

8 June, 2022
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22 members attended the evening meeting to see Nightjars and Woodcocks. We walked from the car park and walked along the path to the right. Some of the area has been felled leaving upright dead trees making ideal perches for Tree Pipits. They attracted four pipits. Black-headed Gulls, Woodpigeons and Carrion Crows were flying overhead. In the forest edges there were Willow Warblers, Chiffchaff, Blackbird, Song Thrush and numerous Chaffinches. A Great-spotted Woodpecker was heard in the forest.

When the sun had set we could hear Nightjars churring. It was still quite light when we had a Nightjar doing a low slow flyby giving excellent views. Throughout the evening we had five roding Woodcocks at tree top height. To round off the evening we had  two more nightjars fly past and one perched in a small tree.

At 10.30 we headed back to the car park with no further sightings.

Total species – 12

Mike Smithson

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