Top Hill Low, Spurn and Hornsea, Tuesday 25th. August 2015. - Trip Report

25 August, 2015
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Top Hill Low

Group in a hide Will Rich

We gathered as usual at Trinity Methodist Church and mounted a rather splendid nearly new minibus. Colin Slator, our leader and driver, welcomed us aboard. There was plenty of room for us as our party only numbered eight including Colin, unfortunately Sue Harrison and Jack and Muff Upsall were unable to attend.

Holly Blue Will Rich

Holly Blue Will Rich

  By the time we reached Top Hill Low Water Treatment Plant the weatherwas quite pleasant so as we walked to the first of the marsh hides we were able to enjoy plenty of insect activity. By the time we had visited all the hides we had recorded ten species of butterfly including Painted Lady, three species of bumblebee and numerous Common Darters one of which hitched a lift on Colin’s cap! On the HDNS visit to Top Hill Low in January 2011 we were obviously looking at a range of winter birds so the pools and scrapes were not of as much interest as at this time of year.

Common Sandpiper Peter Thompson

Common Sandpiper Peter Thompson

 A full morning in all the hides rewarded us with good views of three Green Sandpipers,
other wader species were scarce but brief views of a Kingfisher and Sedge Warbler added to our list which by then included Mallard, Shoveler, Shelduck, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Little Grebe and 85 Greylag Geese. Drama was provided by a female Marsh Harrier that put everything up several times.

 The “O” reservoir held 27 Great crested Grebes and the “D” reservoir had a good range of waterfowl including 37 Tufted Ducks and one Red-crested Pochard, one of our number said it “had a bill like a carrot”, a good description! Five species of Gull were also on the reservoir.

Pied Flycatcher

Pied Flycatcher Peter Thompson

A change of plan took us to Sammy’s Point at Spurn in pursuit of a Red- footed Falcon, no luck there but we did pick up on the tail end of a big movement of Pied Flycatchers along with Redstarts, Whinchat, Wheatear and several Willow Warblers. Seven Swifts hurried southwards down the point whilst the estuary side provided us with 70 Golden Plovers and the calls of Whimbrel. There was a Spoonbill on the ponds at Kilnsea Wetlands.

Finally on to Hornsea, first the sea front, good numbers of Little Gull over the sea and better still two birds on the beach with Black headed Gulls. Common Tern and unspecifiable “comic” terns passing all the time going south.

Little Gull

Little Gull Peter Thompson

By the time we visited The Mere the light was failing but our glorious leader was determined to locate the reported White-winged Black Tern, plenty more Little Gulls but sadly not the elusive tern. Another Marsh Harrier was our final bird of the day, so into town for Fish and Chips with a check list total of 72 species of birds.

Thank you to Colin for an excellent day out.

Mike Brown

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